A Week in the Lives of Stateless Nigerian Children: Their Fate, A Reflection of Our Own Children’s—An Urgent Wake-Up Call for Action


The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.’ — Nelson Mandela

In the shadow of history’s echo, particularly the heart-wrenching abduction of the 276 Chibok girls on April 14-15, 2014, Nigerian children, especially those born to the most marginalized communities, have languished under a pall of neglect by their own nation. This neglect not only undermines their status as citizens but also strips them of the fundamental rights and privileges that citizenship should guarantee.

The past week has cast a stark light on the harrowing conditions faced by these stateless children, whose existence we misleadingly label as citizenship. This period has unveiled a series of assaults against the very soul of our nation:

1. Electrocution Tragedy of 16-Year-Old Boy at an Abuja School: A Wake-Up Call for Child Safeguarding and Protection: https://tinyurl.com/4hermskz

2. Gunmen Abduct 227 Pupils Alongside Headteacher and Teachers from Nigerian School: Examining the Implications for National Security and Child Safeguarding and Protection: https://tinyurl.com/mr3cwrtt

3. Bandits Kidnap School Children in Sokoto State Days After 227 Children Abducted in Kaduna: An Urgent Call for National Security and Child Protection Reforms: https://tinyurl.com/mrkrynu4

The prevailing sentiment across Nigeria suggests a dangerous complacency; many believe that it is only the children of the impoverished in Northern Nigeria who are at risk, while their own children remain safe. This perspective not only reflects a deeply flawed humanity but also a gross underestimation of the pervasive nature of evil. If left unchecked, the tentacles of malice will inevitably extend their reach, sparing no one. The demise of a peer serves as a poignant reminder of our own mortality and vulnerability to similar fates.

We stand at a crossroads, faced with the choice to either confront these challenges with the full force of our collective will or to remain passive bystanders to the unfolding tragedy. Let us choose to advocate for national security reforms and champion the rights of our children, our most precious treasures.

May this week inspire us to action, motivated by the best interest of our precious children.

Warmest regards,


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